MATX Faculty
The following faculty regularly contribute to MATX as dissertation advisers, committee members and instructors. This is not an exhaustive list and MATX welcomes the participation of graduate faculty from across the university.

Caddie Alford, Ph.D.
Job title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Department of English
Email: kalford@vcu.edu

Mariam Alkazemi, Ph.D.
Job title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Robertson School of Media and Culture
Email: mfalkazemi@vcu.edu

Aaron Anderson, Ph.D.
Job title: Professor
Affiliation: Department of Theatre
Email: adanderson@vcu.edu

Tim Bajkiewicz, Ph.D.
Job title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Richard T. Robertson School of Media and Culture
Email: tbajkiewicz@vcu.edu

W. Gardner Campbell, Ph.D.
Job title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Department of English
Email: wgcampbell@vcu.edu

Leigh Ann Craig, Ph.D.
Job title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Department of History
Email: lacraig@vcu.edu

Christine J. Cynn, Ph.D.
Job title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Department of Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
Email: cjcynn@vcu.edu

Carolyn Eastman, Ph.D.
Job title: Professor
Affiliation: Department of History
Email: ceastman@vcu.edu

Joshua Eckhardt, Ph.D.
Job title: Professor
Affiliation: Department of English
Email: jmeckhardt@vcu.edu

Eric Garberson, Ph.D.
Job title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Department of Art History
Email: eggarberson@vcu.edu

Hope Ginsburg
Job title: Professor
Affiliation: Department of Kinetic Imaging
Email: hqginsburg@vcu.edu

Grace D. Gipson, Ph.D.
Job title: Assistant Professor
Affiliation: Department of African American Studies
Email: gipsong@vcu.edu

Julian Glover, Ph.D.
Job title: Assistant Professor
Affiliation: Department of Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
Email: gloverj2@vcu.edu

Jesse Goldstein, Ph.D.
Job title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Sociology
Email: jgoldstein2@vcu.edu

Kathleen Graber, MFA
Job title: Professor
Affiliation: Department of English
Email: kjgraber@vcu.edu

Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Job title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Department of English
Email: mrhall@vcu.edu

Catherine Ingrassia, Ph.D.
Job title: Professor
Affiliation: Department of English
Email: cingrass@vcu.edu

Shermaine M. Jones, Ph.D.
Job title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Department of English
Email: smjones@vcu.edu

Olivia Landry, Ph.D.
Job title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: School of World Studies
Email: landryor@vcu.edu

Adin E. Lears, Ph.D.
Job title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Department of English
Email: alears@vcu.edu

Mary Caton Lingold, Ph.D.
Job title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Department of English
Email: mclingold@vcu.edu

Marcus Messner, Ph.D.
Job title: Professor
Affiliation: Richard T. Robertson School of Media and Culture
Email: mmessner@vcu.edu

Katherine S. Nash, Ph.D.
Job title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Department of English
Email: ksnash@vcu.edu

Bob Paris
Job title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Department of Kinetic Imaging
Email: rdparis@vcu.edu

Archana Pathak, Ph.D.
Job title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Department of Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
Email: aapathak@vcu.edu

Tawnya Pettiford-Wates, Ph.D.
Job title: Professor
Affiliation: Department of Theatre
Email: tpettifordwa@vcu.edu

Sarah Raskin, Ph.D.
Job title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs
Email: seraskin@vcu.edu

Mary Beth Reed
Job title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Department of Photography + Film
Email: mbreed@vcu.edu

Jennifer Rhee, Ph.D.
Job title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Department of English
Email: jsrhee@vcu.edu

Catherine Roach, Ph.D.
Job title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Department of Art History
Email: croach2@vcu.edu

Kate Sicchio, Ph.D.
Job title: Associate Professor of Dance and Media Technologies,
Graduate Director
Affiliation: Department of Dance + Choreography
Department of Kinetic Imaging
Email: ksicchio@vcu.edu

SJ Sindu, Ph.D.
Job title: Assistant Professor
Affiliation: Department of English
Email: sathiyaseels@vcu.edu

Oliver C. Speck, Ph.D.
Job title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: School of World Studies
Email: ocspeck@vcu.edu

Ryan K. Smith, Ph.D.
Job title: Professor
Affiliation: Department of History
Email: rksmith3@vcu.edu

Gregory Smithers, Ph.D.
Job title: Professor
Affiliation: Department of History
Email: gdsmithers@vcu.edu

Baobao Song, Ph.D.
Job title: Assistant Professor
Affiliation: Richard T. Robertson School of Media and Culture
Email: bsong@vcu.edu

Cristina Stanciu, Ph.D.
Job title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Department of English
Email: cstanciu@vcu.edu

Steven Vitiello
Job title: Professor
Affiliation: Department of Kinetic Imaging
Email: smvitiello@vcu.edu

Hilary Wilder
Job title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Department of Painting + Printmaking
Email: hwilder@vcu.edu

Tobias Wofford
Job title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Department of Art History
Email: twofford@vcu.edu